Jakarta - Indonesia

Moské - The mosque
Om jag inte minns fel sa guiden att detta är världens 3'dje
största moské - den var rättså STOR !
If I'm not totally wrong the guide told us that this is the 3'rd
largest mosque in the world - it was BIG !
Inne i moskén - inside the mosque
Folk som antingen ber eller tar igen sig under lunchen, här var det svalt.
Time to pray or just takin' a nap after the meal, it was cold in here.
Moské - The mosque
Ca. 90% av indonesiens befolking är muslimer [Islam].
Approx. 90% of the Indonesian population are Moslems [Islam].


Jakarta part two

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Magnus Beronius 2000-01-09
Last maintained 2008-09-10